The Professional Tour Guide Accreditation Program is a National Accreditation Program originally designed by Guiding Organisations Australia and now managed by Tour Guides Australia.

The Program provides a skills benchmark for all Tour Guides in Australia.

It is suitable for all types of Tour Guides located anywhere in Australia and engaged in any sector of the tourism industry.

Professional Tour Guides work in a variety of locations, in cities as well as regional and remote areas, in natural, historical and culturally significant environments, and they may conduct tours of varying length from 30 minutes to extended tours of up to 30 days or more.

The term “Tour Guide” means any person who leads or presents to a group of tourists on an organised tour or activity, of any length, and regardless of their type of employment status.

To see if you meet the criteria, click here.

Benefits of Professional Tour Guide Accreditation

Using Professional Tour Guides is of benefit to the whole of the Tourism Industry.

Tour Guides Australia Accreditation ensures guide compliance with a high level of knowledge, skills, training (including First Aid) and adequate insurance.

Through Tour Guides Australia, guides are also provided with ongoing Professional Development, networking and job opportunities.

Many stakeholders benefit from the raised level of skills and knowledge.

Benefits to individual tour guide

  • National recognition of practical skills and professionalism
  • Competitive edge for employment
  • Access to professional development opportunities
  • Regular news updates from Tour Guides Australia and other industry associations.
  • Identifiable as a Professional Tour Guide (Photo ID provided)
  • Listing on the Tour Guides Australia Find a Guide page
  • Access to discounted Group Insurance

Benefits to the tourism industry

  • Provide a high level of assurance of the skills and knowledge of the Professional Tour Guides  for employers
  • Improves the safety standards for guests
  • Improves the customer service satisfaction ratings
  • Potential for increased visitation and business opportunities for agencies using Professional Tour Guides.

Benefits to stakeholders

  • Provides high benchmarks for protected areas or sites with special access arrangements
  • Establish clear and recognisable high standard benchmarks of required Tour Guiding skills
  • Improves professionalism among Tour Guides and the front-line staff of the Tourism Industry

Benefits to the tourist

  • Receives a greater understanding and appreciation of the cultural, and natural values Australia has to offer,
  • Increases the level of customer satisfaction, engagement, connection and excitement.
  • Improves the level of safety for the tourist

The right choice for you

Get assessed and become a Professional Guide, the highest accreditation level you can achieve.

Please read the Accreditation Kit which explains the assessment process. Download the kit.