The industry partnerships Tour Guides Australia fosters and promotes across the Tourism Industry offer numerous business benefits to our members, including industry discounts to an extensive range of tourism experiences, attractions and venues.

The tourism industry encourages TGA member tour guides to visit their locations so that they can familiarise themselves with their offerings and promote them to the thousands of tourists that we meet every day.

Discounts from national providers shown on this page are available to all TGA members, including Affiliate members. 

National Offers for all Members

Your discount card for international tour experiences and attractions. Read more.

Kathmandu offers a premium range of outdoor clothing, footwear and accessories. Read more.

The most trusted provider of first aid training services and kits. Read more.

Tourism Experiences by State

Click through on each state link to view the range of discounts available to Professional Members and then login to access the discount codes from each supplier.